The essential objective of the Impostor is to kill enough Crewmates to have an equivalent amount of impostor(s) and crewmates before all tasks are finished, and to have their identity remain hidden.
the Impostor can't finish any tasks. In fact, they are given a "fake" task list as guidance on how to really act like a crewmate. (the fake task list located up left corner in the screen)
The Impostor can hide in a vent. it allows him to either hide, leave the crime scene or quickly move around the map,When the Impostor is close enough to a vent, the Sabotage button will be replaced with a vent button.
Same as the crew, Impostors can report dead bodies anywhere. especially to avoid suspicion when they're close to a dead body . When reporting, this opens up the moment of discussion about who the Impostor is.
An Impostor can Sabotage, which creates a temporary problem that Crewmates must fix. The Sabotage button, located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, will open up a map where different types of sabotage can be chosen.
Explore Sabotage Map